Tasty opskrifter

World’s Best Buddha Bowl

World’s Best Buddha Bowl

If it’s not tasty, you won’t enjoy it and food has to be fully enjoyed and appreciated(. No shit. Det her er uden tvivl en af de bedste salater jeg har fået – både ift
Sunde chokoladetrøfler og dyner

Sunde chokoladetrøfler og dyner

They are SO tasty and the kids love them. Foto. Dorte Bak ©. Jeg har syndet på en helt almindelig arbejdsdag og du kan gøre det samme
Opskrift på sunde gulerodsmuffins

Opskrift på sunde gulerodsmuffins

Tasty Vanilla proteinpulver, 5 æggehvider, 1 banan, 50 g. De her muffins er blevet et hit. De er nemme at lave, sunde og så smager de himmelsk
Nemme, smagfulde minipizzaer

Nemme, smagfulde minipizzaer

It’s cheap, it’s sustainable, it’s fast and tasty. Foto. Dorte Bak ©. Der er mange gode grunde til at tænke kreativt i køkkenet, for det er godt for økonomien, mindsker madspild og gør opgaven sjovere for alle i familien
Nem opskrift på Tzatziki

Nem opskrift på Tzatziki

The dressing is tasty, fresh and full and is a perfect garnish for potato dishes, all sorts of meat as well as a dressing for salads
Ravioli med citron og pinjekerner

Ravioli med citron og pinjekerner

This dish is not rocket science but it is both quick and real tasty. Foto. Dorte Bak ©. Mangler du inspiration til en lynhurtig, men smagfuld aftensmad, så brug 15 minutter på at lave denne ravioli med citron og pinjekerner
Lav en velsmagende, grøn juice

Lav en velsmagende, grøn juice

I have really been turned into some what of an addict when it comes to my juices and today I share with you the way to make a super healthy AND tasty green juice
Jamie Oliver’s date shake

Jamie Oliver’s date shake

Very simple, few ingredients and yet so so tasty. My Jamie Oliver domestic project continues. This time with a lovely and sweet afternoon shake
Granola Bars

Granola Bars

) granola bars are also perfect snacks to bring along to a tailgate if you want to eat something that’s light and tasty
Cauliflower Tots

Cauliflower Tots

I tried and it is tasty too while I prefer the uncoated version. It is also very tasty to eat them at room temperature and they make a lovely addition to your kids lunch box
Energy Boosting Orange Smoothie

Energy Boosting Orange Smoothie

And if I wanna be extra good to myself, I make this very tasty and energy boosting orange smoothie. I love almost everything about autumn


Lidt billeder fra dagens frokost hos ProteinDeli, som jeg besøgte sammen med min beast buddy Rikke
Pineapple chicken

Pineapple chicken

Tasty pineapple chicken, recipe. Tasty pineapple chicken, recipe. DINNER TIME. I får lige en lækker gang sund aftensmad Pastinak og gulerodsfritter, mixet salat, kyllingebryst lavet i stegepose med stegte krydret ananas ringe